Władysław KurekAge: 12 years1902–1915
- Name
- Władysław Kurek
- Given names
- Władysław
- Surname
- Kurek
Birth | August 28, 1902 21 25 |
Death of a father | Wawrzyniec Kurek March 9, 1903 (Age 6 months) |
Marriage of a parent | Jan Byczek — Marianna Kućmierz — View this family Type: Religious marriage November 15, 1905 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a half-brother | … Byczek October 28, 1906 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a half-brother | … Byczek October 28, 1906 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a half-sister | Julianna Byczek January 1, 1908 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a half-brother | Leon Byczek April 13, 1910 (Age 7 years) |
Birth of a half-sister | Eleonora Byczek April 13, 1910 (Age 7 years) |
Death of a mother | Marianna Kućmierz April 13, 1910 (Age 7 years) |
Death of a half-brother | Leon Byczek February 26, 1911 (Age 8 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Tomasz Kućmierz June 24, 1911 (Age 8 years) |
Death | February 7, 1915 (Age 12 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Wawrzyniec Kurek Birth: August 2, 1881 41 41 — Sułoszowa, Polska Death: March 9, 1903 — Sułoszowa, Polska |
mother |
Marianna Kućmierz Birth: September 30, 1876 27 19 — Sułoszowa, Polska Death: April 13, 1910 — Sułoszowa, Polska |
Marriage: June 11, 1900 — Sułoszowa, Polska |
2 years himself |
Władysław Kurek Birth: August 28, 1902 21 25 — Sułoszowa, Polska Death: February 7, 1915 — Sułoszowa, Polska |
Mother’s family with Jan Byczek |
step-father |
Jan Byczek Birth: August 8, 1880 49 41 — Sułoszowa, Polska Death: |
mother |
Marianna Kućmierz Birth: September 30, 1876 27 19 — Sułoszowa, Polska Death: April 13, 1910 — Sułoszowa, Polska |
Marriage: November 15, 1905 — Sułoszowa, Polska |
11 months half-brother |
… Byczek Birth: October 28, 1906 26 30 — Sułoszowa, Polska Death: October 28, 1906 — Sułoszowa, Polska |
14 months half-sister |
Julianna Byczek Birth: January 1, 1908 27 31 — Sułoszowa, Polska Death: |
2 years half-brother |
Leon Byczek Birth: April 13, 1910 29 33 — Sułoszowa, Polska Death: February 26, 1911 — Sułoszowa, Polska |
half-sister |
Eleonora Byczek Birth: April 13, 1910 29 33 — Sułoszowa, Polska Death: |